1. Mrs Thompson

    As a general rule, we don’t go out to eat (with the exception of McDonald’s). However, with camping season upon us, I find that we are splurging much more on last-minute meals at local restaurants/taverns. I think it is a combination of several reasons:
    1. Mom is tired after a day at the beach/hiking
    2. Kids are fussy eaters
    3. I carry an electric skillet in our van and I can get only so creative with recipes ?

  2. Jennifer

    Might I suggest The Sunflower House (maybe from the library?) and some mammoth sunflower seeds to make your own sunflower house? Seems fairly inexpensive and it works for my 2 & 3 year olds (in home daycare provider).

  3. I feel like my days are full of spending, but it probably doesn’t help that I tend to space out errands to do only one or two a day. So while other people might have one really expensive day and then a few no spend days, I spend a bit each day. That’s my working theory anyway. That or I’m just expensive. Both equally plausible.

    But it does get wearying, seeing money fly out the door. Weirdly, it’s more wearying when it’s for necessary stuff. I guess because then I know I can’t get around it, so it’s not a choice I’m making, which means I have no say over the money leaving the account (short of doing without necessary things).

    Nice playing of the Target GC game!

  4. Summer is so expensive for us! We do a spot of travel and that always means having to pay way more for food on the road, we also do some fun stuff that’s costly. We try to focus on the free stuff while we’re in there but it all adds up really fast. Still, it’s a short season and it’s worth living. Or so I have to keep reminding myself 🙂

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