“Oh, dear. Bread and beer. If I were rich, I wouldn’t be here.” My grandma used to singsong this jingle when I was little. I would eagerly ask her where she would be. She was always quick to lock her fingers in mine and return a reminder that we could go wherever I wanted.
Now that I’m older, I’ve started to think on this again. Where would I be? What would I do? How would I answer her question? My greatest wish would be to spend one more day with her. But if I can’t do that, the least I could do is come up with an answer to her question.
I finally know how the riddle ends, Nana. You know, what I would do if I were rich. I would play school just like we used to.
You remember, right? Of course you do. We played approximately 124,941 times. Since it was the 80s, I had those awful waxy dolls. You know them. Buddy and Sis. The boy was always naughty, and it was perfectly fitting because if Chuckie had a blonde fraternal twin who wore cleaner overalls, it would have been Buddy.
You always let me be the teacher while you played the role of the mom who had to ferry Buddy home when he was extra bad. You were also the bus driver. Remember how we used to hook the caster chairs together and scoot around the kitchen? I took your advice. I never did tell Mom because how many times can someone hear “chairs are for sitting, not rolling”?
When I’m done making my passion my work, I hope to do it again. Whether that’s in ten years or thirty, I want to keep teaching. But my teaching might look a little different then.
I want to open a library in a town where kids don’t have access to books. I’m not sure if I imagine this place in the United States or somewhere far around the world. Two summers ago, your favorite* grandson-in-law and I visited a little library in a small beach town in Mexico where someone created a similar program. The schools there are so overcrowded and understaffed that the community had many kids who weren’t learning. They weren’t even going to school. So one woman decided to change all that.
She works with locals and volunteers from around the world to put on programs for kids. They do art projects, sing songs, play dress up, and read. This one-room library fills their heads and their hearts with words. I want to do that, too. I want all kids to have the opportunity to fall in love with books, to know what it feels like to daydream and play like we used to.
Before you tell me you’re worried about me, I promise I’ll be safe. And I know you’ll also ask about money. You were so worried when I bought my new car. I can only imagine how nervous this would make you. You’ll ask me where the money will come from. Where will you get the capital for your business? If I’m not spending my own money, I could fundraise. I know, I know. You’re the baker, not me. So perhaps I’d have to get a loan from a bank or a company like Kikka Capital. Or I could use some of my savings to get started. I’m a smart cookie. You said so yourself. I could come up with a real business plan. But hey, this is a fantasy, and I’m already rich. You said so yourself.
If I were rich, where would I be? I’d be somewhere in the world still doing what I love. I’d create a place where kids would learn and read, sing and dance. A place where anything is possible if only they have someone to help them make believe.
*PS – I also know that you called everyone your favorite. Just like I know there aren’t really five aces in cards and you let me win. Maybe that means I was your favorite favorite.
So Tell Me…Where will you be when you’re rich? What are your dreams big and small?
Note: Though Kikka Capital was gracious enough to indulge in my daydreams by sponsoring this post, all thoughts, memories, and future plans are mine.
It makes me so happy to see people dreaming. You’re headed towards a long, lovely life full of wonder, and thanks for letting us share it all with you.
Thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. Most days, I feel like I have no idea where I’m headed. But I know what I love and I know what makes me happy. So I figure as long as I’m moving that way, I’m good!
Your dreams inspire me, Penny. Never stop dreaming. 🙂
Wow. Most times, I think my dreams are too silly to say aloud. This post was half-written for almost a month. I’m so glad it finally came together!
Love this, Penny! Thanks for sharing your wonderful dreams…and making me think more about mine. 🙂
Oooh! Do you have any links about your dreams? I’d love to read them.
There’s so much to do! I want to create a community where kids who wouldn’t have a home, or enough to eat, or access to books are loved, fed, and educated. I want to take in all the dogs that need homes, and teach the kids how to have compassion for others by taking care of critters that need them. I want the dogs and the kids to visit the elderly who would otherwise be alone and lonely, to learn from their elders, and give them a chance to pass on their love and wisdom. *plays refrain of “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story”*
YES! I’m sure you’ve seen the article about the daycare and the senior center that teamed up. OH MY HEART. All the grandparents for everybody. I love your dreams, and I think they reflect the beautiful life you’ve already created and the big heart you already have.
What a lovely tribute. I hope you make all your dreams a reality – the bigger the better. 🙂
What a sweet thing to say, Miss Mazuma. You seriously made my night!
Very inspiring. You paint a vivid picture of your grandmother, your relationship, and how she encouraged you to believe anything is possible. I’m sure she’d be very proud of you.
I was so lucky to spend so much of my childhood with her. She split her time between her house and ours. Thank you for saying that, Mrs. G. It means more than I can ever tell you.
You should also check out these amazing libraries to get ideas for how to create yours… think outside the building! 🙂 http://qz.com/773248/libraries/
BIBLIOBURROS. People are just the best. Books are just the best. This link made my life, Maggie.
I recently said to my husband “If I were a millionaire, I’d have clean sheets on the bed everyday!” Not only do I not need a million pounds for that to come true, but the truth is I don’t think I would actually have clean sheets on the bed everyday. Just like life, you need the average days (and even the bad ones) so you know how amazing the good days are. 🙂
Grandparents always have time to indulge your imagination and make the world seem magical, something we don’t appreciate enough.
This made me smile! It’s what I often say, fresh crisp ironed sheets every night please! And the only reason I have this as an idea is a primary school teacher (I think I was probably 6!) asked the class what they would do if they had lots of money. I remember two things: I didn’t have an answer, and that the clean sheets was her answer!
Very true that we dont really need or want that. There’s so much more to need or want before that.
I’m going to do this exercise with my students! I’ll have to see how I can weave this in. I’ll report back when I do. 🙂
You are so right, Sarah! We already have so much power and control over our dreams. Thanks for the reminder that my dreams might be a lot closer than I think!
And the magic of grandparents. Nothing truer than that statement! 🙂
Love this. 🙂 The question I often find myself wrestling is less about what I want to do, and more about “within the system or outside of it?” I think so many of us got into our professions because of the big promise they old, but then the daily details make that cause lose its luster and feel nothing like what we dreamed it could be. I don’t have an answer for this (at least not yet), but I have always worked within the system and so want to at least try creating my own ways to positively impact the world. I’ll get back to you. 😉
Yes! I think about that sometimes, too. I love teaching and books and kids. But am I missing out on other opportunities to grow and help? I cannot wait to follow along on your journey, Ms ONL.
These dreams are wonderful, and I hope you know that they don’t have to stay as dreams. This is also a wonderful reminder to dream big and follow your passions.
I hope they don’t! I definitely think I could do some service work in the summer instead of summer school. Or both? And I’m going to keep scheming and dreaming and planning. Thank you for the confidence boost, Mrs. PIE!
Playing school and dreaming of opening a library….we are cut from the same cloth! How cool that you’ve discovered your passion and made it your work and will continue to, in one form or another, all along your financial journey.
It’s fantastic cloth, Kalie, if I do say so myself!
You have wonderful dreams. In this world of knowledge is fine. I feel sorry for children and adults who do not read books. This is such a huge world with which it is necessary to get acquainted.
I really need to do a better job of seeing the world. I do think books can be a nice gateway to travel!
If I were rich, I would like to give back to society. Give to the less fortunate, give to help mankind in technological advancement and definitely give to advocate for a cleaner and greener Earth.
Sounds like a Miss Universe speech but I would like to know that I made an effort to improve the lives of the future generation down the road!
Yes! I agree with all of this. And I try to do it now on a smaller scale. Because I have no idea if I’ll ever be rich. And no one is promised tomorrow. Miss-Universe-speech away! 🙂
Love this post. Especially, “chairs are for sitting…” we are already “rich” in life, love, family, and friends. But I think you mean FI or no longer needing to work for $. After some travel, mr. need2save wants to teach math or other geeky subjects. I want to be a better wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend and neighbor. I want to help others but time will shape what that looks like.
Keep dreaming!
That’s a beautiful point. Our lives are full of many riches regardless of our financial situation and that’s so important to remember.
Great post. It takes me back to memories of my grandparents. I would love to spend time learning to cook from my grandma (she made the best roast dinners and cake). With my grandad I would love to spend time in the garage learning about woodwork (he was a cabinet maker). Everybody should have dreams, big and small. Some are achievable and some are not, but I think it is healthy to dream. I love the library idea by the way.
Great post. It takes me back to memories of my grandparents. I would love to spend time learning to cook from my grandma (she made the best roast dinners and cake). With my grandad I would love to spend time in the garage learning about woodwork (he was a cabinet maker). Everybody should have dreams, big and small. Some are achievable and some are not, but I think it is healthy to dream. I love the library idea by the way.
Grandparents are just the best! Sounds like yours were so special. Do you cook any of your grandma’s recipes? This year, we are going to try to bake my nana’s cookies instead of Christmas cookies. Yikes! 🙂
What an excellent dream you have there, Penny
Thank you, Donna! 🙂 Reading all these comments makes me realize that maybe it’s not so silly after all.
Keep dreaming, that’s what drives the inspirations. Having inspirations is extremely important. 🙂
Yes! I’m learning that…even if they seem a little far fetched!
Ahhh dreams…we often don’t have time in our busy lives to dream. But when we do, it feels so good.
My dream is to be with my family, doing things we all love, without the pressure of limited time. It’s a very simple dream but I can’t remember the last time I lived this dream!
Thanks Penny for prompting us to dream…
Hi Penny, that sounds like an awesome dream.
I know it’s been a couple of years but do you remember what the name of the library program in Mexico was called?
I want to look more into it and see if there is any way I can volunteer my time in it or something like it via remote access.
Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking post and the rest of your posts that I have been bingeing the past few weeks!
It’s called Hekab Be Biblioteca in Akumal! They just finished this summer sponsorship program, but they generally have different things that you can support each month. Maybe they need help with their site or email list or something.
Great, thanks for the info! I’m checking it out now 🙂