1. Loved it! Way to go! I am working on slowly writing about our past with coupons. Mrs. Gov used to be an advanced couponier. She would bring home a carload of groceries for like $5. Unfortunately that meant buying things with “overage” where they paid you to take it out of the store. We *never* used that stuff and it was crappy for the planet.

    Things changed after that show “extreme coupons”. The stores couldn’t offer the overage deals anymore because everyone had figured it out. But I think it was time for us to move on anyways. We’re living a much more ecofrugal life now without them.

    • I feel this, GovWorker! One day, I brought home four bottles of contact solution that I got for free. No one in my life wears contacts. No one. Thankfully, I realized I could donate them. But what a waste of my time and probably lots of other people’s time for that matter!

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