1. Definitely make a will! It was super easy to have the money and the guardianship separated for us. The lawyer said it was pretty common. Hopefully you’ll nail down the hard part of who you want soon.

    Our summer money plans mostly involve buying things… lots of long deferred expenses are getting purchased. Like countertops that don’t turn yellow when they get touched by bleach or a car that isn’t literally falling apart from plastic fatigue.

    • That’s good to know! It actually doesn’t seem hard in terms of the procedure. It’s just family stuff and mental hangups that I need to sort. 🙁 This is encouraging, though. Thanks!

  2. My summer money moves involved figuring out how NOT to spend a fortune at a European destination wedding, and then also finding some money to revamp our landscaping because it needs a lot of help. Also figuring out how to landscape is probably on the list too. Lol

    • That’s kind of where this all stemmed from, too. We have a trip planned (last minute!) for two weeks from now and then FinCon in the fall. So time to figure out this money thing again!

  3. I need to look into making a will. That’s one money move I haven’t really look into yet that I need to work on.
    My summer money moves are to open a 529 account for baby #2. I’ll be sleep deprived all summer since our baby is arriving next month so I won’t do much from a money standpoint.

  4. Karen

    We finally got the end of life legal work finished–boy does that feel like a personal victory. Try it, you will like it and there are a lot of boiler plate software products as well as library books to check out that walk you through it very simply. I’ll bet your teacher’s union/organization even has some resources for you.

    Summer goals, finish my ICE (in case of emergency binder), yard work, relaxation, exercise and sleep…can you tell I’m a teacher too!!??

    Won’t have a big trip this summer cause we’re saving for a big trip in December. Will spend the summer planning for that! but will spend some time planning for that, woot!!

  5. Until we’re on the academic schedule with JB, summer often just feels like a long run up to SDCC in July and PiC’s work conferences in August. I’ve got one more year before summer becomes a thing for me to worry about! Like, what do we DO when school is out??? We have friends who can leave the country for the summer and I’m a touch jealous that they can do that and have childcare and still keep their jobs but I am hoping and hoping that we will figure out something that works well for our family with less fuss.

    Moneywise, I’ve just got to make an investment contribution sometime during the summer and then close the three bank accounts we opened for bank bonuses at the end of August. Nothing exciting there.

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