1. Thanks for letting us know we are not the only ones who pack breakfast in our suitcase! We are not ones to eat out at all at home (not necessarily for the cost, but for the salt/grease, and some food allergies, OK – and the cost too!) We much prefer to pick out food we want and like in a store. We have the Southwest Companion pass too and want to head to Vegas next fall. Luckily we will be able to go when school is in session now that I have left my full-time job. Hopefully that will help! Looking forward to Part 2!

  2. Andrew @ Debt Freedom Journey

    This is great! My wife and I went to Vegas for our first anniversary, and our biggest regret was not being able to spend money on doing fun things because we had to spend all of our money on airfare, hotel, and food. Sounds like you’ve found some good ways to make the trip more about having fun versus spending a whole bunch of money.

    Great read!

  3. Oooh, I’m going to try the MyVegas Rewards next time we go to Vegas. We go once in a while. We can drive there in about 5-6 hours, so we don’t have to worry about credit card points for getting there.

    The last time, we did pay for our hotel with points. That said, not all of them charge it. Most of them on the strip. If you don’t mind going a little off the main drag, the Stratosphere didn’t have one (99% sure anyway, it’s been a few years). I think some of the others not on the main drag probably do too. But they’re a skosh rundown.

    We do lose money on gambling. It’s our thing, and we go in with the assumption that the money is gone. (And it comes from our vacation fund, so the money is meant to be spent in ways that tickle us while away from home.) The first time, though, Tim had beginner’s luck. We actually ended up paying almost nothing thanks to his winnings.

    One tip if you do gamble at slots: Keep $10 or $20 bills only. Each time you double whichever bill you put in, cash out the ticket and put a new one in. It keeps you from going too far up and then chasing it as your balance goes back down. Most of the time, thinking goes like this: “I was at $60, now I’m at 45… I’ll keep going til I get up to $60 again. Oops, all gone!”

    • That’s exactly what we do with slots. I still lose, but it keeps me in check. I’ll share my gambling budget next week. It’s a doozy 😉 Kidding! Stratosphere does have a resort fee now. Even many of the downtown hotels do. Mlife properties are now also charging for parking. Eppp! We don’t drive, but I know lots of people who do!

  4. I would definitely pack bagels in my luggage! Sounds like you had a great trip for a song. I’m looking forward to hearing more about how you got some of these great deals. I haven’t been to Vegas yet, but would love to go.

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