1. I’m still waiting to find out what the rules are for DC2’s class. We can’t remember if they passed out cards last year or not. We’re also not entirely clear on how many students are in the two third grade Dual Language classes this year. So if we don’t have enough leftover cards from previous years we’re going to have to make a last minute stop somewhere before Friday since we didn’t pick anything up at the grocery store this past weekend.

    Thankfully DC1 is in high school!

  2. Haha, we just bought a whole pack of the same apple sauce pouches for TwC’s classmates for Valentine’s Day too. We got a note from his teacher to provide a nice little snack(no chocolate, nuts, nor sugar coated type ones) and got that idea to buy them when we saw it at Costco. Now we have to figure out how to make it into Valentine’s theme snack. I like your apple design gift tags and may use some elements of it for ours. Thanks for this Penny!!

  3. Sak

    Thanks for this. I’ve been a reader for a while but a first time commenter. I’m also doing my first toddler valentines party this year.

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