Summer Money: Why I Put $1 on All My Credit Cards

It’s goal time. July came and went even faster than June. That’s the curse of summer, I suppose. While I definitely front loaded the month as much as possible, I’m pleased to say that we finished in good shape, too. In fact, I met most of the goals that I set, even if one goal … [Read more…]
Summer Money: June to July Goals

Somehow I blinked and now July is staring back at me when I look at the end of this week. While I took a break from a lot of my summer side hustles this year, it’s not been all quiet on the money front this June. Without further ado, here’s the often-promised, never-delivered goal recap … [Read more…]
Summer Money: Setting Goals for June

With the weather finally heating up, I thought I’d take some time to slow down and set some summer goals. I’m notoriously bad at goal setting in that I make goals for myself all the time, I just never post the follow-up. While I can’t promise that there will be a companion piece at the … [Read more…]