1. Mrs. Crackin' the Whip

    I like the detailed instructions. I’ve tried to regrow my celery and lettuce but I have not had success with it so I will definitely keep this in mind!

    • Was it organic originally? At first I thought it wouldn’t really matter, but it’s made a HUGE difference in my experience. Sometimes, I also find I have to leave a bigger “scrap” behind to really get the romaine to thrive, too.

    • Let me know how it works for you if you give it a shot. There’s a bit of trial and error to it, but I’ve grown probably 10 lettuces at this point and a handful of celery. A few onions, too, though I’m not entirely sure the smell is worth it! Celery is a bit harder, because I try it in the fall (when it’s on sale for Turkey Day!). I think most indoor gardens get cranky in the cold weather and with less daylight.

    • I’ve done various lettuces, celery, onions, fennel, lemongrass, and potatoes. The potatoes have to go in the ground (or rubber tires) but everything else seems happy in a pot. Next summer, I’m going to give pineapple a go. If you try it out, let me know!

    • Absolutely! The first time I tried this, I bought a three-pack of organic romaine. Two out of three took. There’s a bit of trial and error to it, but considering they’re kitchen scraps, there’s nothing to lose. Keep me posted if you try it.

  2. This is a great way to grow veggies. I live in a condominium and the homeowner’s association won’t allow me to grow vegetables on the patio (it’s stupid, don’t ask), so being able to do it on a windowsill is a great alternative for me. I’ll have to give it a try!

    • Ha! The best I’ve done is two cycles. Celery is neat because you can cut parts of the stalks off while it grows in the container. I’ll do a post on that this fall.

  3. A.ma.zing. I’m so trying this. Also, I cannot wait for your celery post! I have a little windowsill garden of mint, basil and parsley right now but would love to have something more! Thanks for the fun and frugal tips! ?

  4. I have attempted to grow some vegetables inside and then move to outside. I do great while it’s inside but as soon as it moves outside I forget about it. However, I’m still going to try this. Sounds like a good chore for my 2 yo as well!

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