We’re halfway through the year! I’m not sure if I should be looking for congratulations or condolences. There’s nothing quite like the calendar flip to July to make me think long and hard about what I’ve done with my year…and what I have left to do.
First up is an exploration of my goals for the second quarter.
After a quick scan, a few things became immediately clear. We’re continuing to make some important money moves, and I’m doing a bit better at spending more time on myself.
Also, there is such a thing as biting off more than you can chew when it comes to goal setting. How do I know? I missed the last goal in every. single. category.
Q2 Goal 1 – Hit at least 10,000 steps a day. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 2 – Climb at least 12 floors a day. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 3 – Meditate using the Calm app 5x a week. (Miss.)
I destroyed my first two goals. In fact, I seem to be averaging over 15,000 steps a day this summer. And now that I’m home with my toddler in a multi-level home? Let’s just say my stairs goal actually hit triple digits one laundry day.
As for the Calm app? I didn’t have the bandwidth to even attempt getting back into a meditation routine as the end of the school year. It’s the same reason I had to halt my decluttering. I am still using the Calm app periodically, and I hope to get back into a real routine at some point.
RELATED POST: 10,000 Steps: Why I’m Spending on Fitness
Q2 Goal 1 – Spend our windfalls strategically. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 2 – Increase my 403b again. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 3 – Set up a 403b for my husband. (Miss.)
Both my husband and I end the year with stipend money. It’s not a major windfall, but it means a lot to both of us. This year, we used our money to invest a bit in our taxable accounts, pay down more of our mortgage, and to take an 8-day road trip to Montreal that I still have a write about. That feels strategic to me!
I also increased my 403b after a serious staffing shakeup at my work. I think my job is secure, but it’s hard to watch people be unhappy. Plus, I hate losing my sense of control. So don’t mind me, Human Resources, while I put on my parachute just in case.
As for my husband’s 403b, it feels like a lost cause at this point. I know that’s not actually the case, but I really was hoping to have something set up by now. Unfortunately, he gets all of his summer pay in one lump at the end of the school year, so they can’t start withdrawing money until next school year. Womp womp.
RELATED POST: Teacher Talk: Losing a Little Control of a Career I Love
Q2 Goal 1 – Continue my monthly decluttering posts. (Hit?!)
Q2 Goal 2 – Donate more and funnel my clutter to our vacation. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 3 – Declutter my commitments by scaling back at least one thing a month if it doesn’t serve me. (Miss–sort of.)
Welp. I did two months of decluttering posts, and then I stopped decluttering. But, hey! I wrote about post about that, too. So I guess I met this goal.
I actually haven’t put any effort into selling, so all I’ve made are $30 for a pair of shoes. Consider that gas money to drive from Chicago to South Haven. Maybe. But I am on a roll with finding ways to donate my clutter. In fact, a church near a relative is doing a gently-used clothing drive for foster kids, and boy, can we help with that!
As for the last goal, maybe I met it, maybe I didn’t. I have been saying no to things that I would probably normally feel obligated to say yes to. But I haven’t been tracking that. So, I guess we’ll never know.
RELATED POST: 3 Things I Learned When I Stopped Decluttering
Q2 Goal 1 – Keep up my surprise $20 gift giving. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 2 – Use 4 or less single-use cups. (Miss.)
Inspired by the kindness of Cait, I have been keeping up with my surprise $20 giving. It’s been fun to spread some smiles in my community. I’m also trying to figure out how I can extend it to the blog.
As for my single-use cups, I was doing really well with this until I went on vacation. It’s not an excuse, so I’m not letting myself off the hook. I used probably 10 total in the last quarter. By the average person’s standards, it’s fine. But it’s a big ol’ fail compared to what I’ve been doing.
Q2 Goal 1 – Go out with a friend once a month. (Hit!)
Q2 Goal 2 – Get my nails done or do something else for myself. (Miss-ish.)
I did so well on this first goal. Not only did I get to catch up with friends who live nearby, but I actually got to spend time with my best friend and her baby. Squeal! She lives in Montreal, and she came down to visit family. We, then, drove out to see her. It really is the best feeling. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that keeping up with friends can come with a cost (especially when there’s international travel involved). But the smile on my face while I type proves just how worthwhile that cost is.
I got a pedicure this quarter, I think. And I looked at a face mask that I got in my stocking at Christmas. So I haven’t done much by way of this second goal. Unless washing off eye makeup counts. I’ve done that a few times. ::wink::
Final Thoughts on Q2 2019 Goals Recap
This quarter feels like a success despite the fact that I dropped a goal in every category. It’s definitely been a good reminder to focus on what I’d like to achieve for Q3. There’s no need to do everything (types the person who always tries to do everything).
As for this quarter, I’m proud of myself. The needle is moving on our mortgage, and it’s actually moving pretty fast now. We’re past the halfway mark, and the majority of our regular payments go to principal. I also know that I’m making the right move by filling up my retirement accounts. As you can tell by these goals, I’m actually forcing myself to focus on those over our mortgage.
More importantly, though, I’m spending time on things other than money. And for a money blogger, I have to say…it feels really good.
So Tell Me…How did the second quarter treat you? Are you feeling good about the calendar flip?
Matthew Freeman
Hey Penny that sure is quite a few goals to have and I’m going to say well done. I know we would like to achieve everything but sometimes it is just out of our control. I say keep doing what your doing and 2019 will be a big success for you and the family. Fill up those retirement accounts friend 🙂 I think for me I will focus on filling up my accounts over putting money in a savings account.
Take care say hi to HP for me 🙂
I love that you are continuing to focus on filling your accounts. It’s fantastic to follow your journey. I’m so glad we have your blog, Matthew!
Gwen @ Fiery Millennials
You know, in baseball a realllyyyy good batting average is .333. That means they only hit one out of every 3 balls! Your average is way better than .333. Keep up the great work!!!
Oh, Gwen. You’re the best.
Diana E Sung
Even missing the goals, posting about it and keeping yourself accountable helps, right? That’s how I feel. I am cheering for you!
It does! I actually panicked that I had set monthly goals. What a relief to realize I am working on a quarterly system.
Also, that tells you everything you need to know about me and goal setting.
Done by Forty
I’m impressed with how many of your goals you’re hitting, Penny! I think your success rate is awesome. Well done on the fitness front and increasing the 403bs contributions. I’m a big, big believer in the double gains seen in tax advantaged accounts: reducing your tax paid also allows you to invest more, so things can get better in a hurry with those accounts.
Best of luck the rest of the year, friend.
Thank you so much! I hope we can do more with our 403bs this year, too. 😀
Danielle L Zecher
I like your idea of setting quarterly goals. That somehow seems more doable than monthly goals. I may borrow your idea going forward. 🙂
It sounds like you’re doing really well with meeting most of them. I’m impressed that you hit the 10,000 step goal. I’m still working on that one. My average for the year right now is 9,062. I did have a fairly major surgery, though, so was less active than I would have been otherwise.
I am pretty awful at goals, so quarterly seems to be a good solution for right now! Hope your recovery is going well!