1. Hey Penny that sure is quite a few goals to have and I’m going to say well done. I know we would like to achieve everything but sometimes it is just out of our control. I say keep doing what your doing and 2019 will be a big success for you and the family. Fill up those retirement accounts friend 🙂 I think for me I will focus on filling up my accounts over putting money in a savings account.

    Take care say hi to HP for me 🙂


    • I love that you are continuing to focus on filling your accounts. It’s fantastic to follow your journey. I’m so glad we have your blog, Matthew!

    • It does! I actually panicked that I had set monthly goals. What a relief to realize I am working on a quarterly system.

      Also, that tells you everything you need to know about me and goal setting.

  2. I’m impressed with how many of your goals you’re hitting, Penny! I think your success rate is awesome. Well done on the fitness front and increasing the 403bs contributions. I’m a big, big believer in the double gains seen in tax advantaged accounts: reducing your tax paid also allows you to invest more, so things can get better in a hurry with those accounts.

    Best of luck the rest of the year, friend.

  3. I like your idea of setting quarterly goals. That somehow seems more doable than monthly goals. I may borrow your idea going forward. 🙂

    It sounds like you’re doing really well with meeting most of them. I’m impressed that you hit the 10,000 step goal. I’m still working on that one. My average for the year right now is 9,062. I did have a fairly major surgery, though, so was less active than I would have been otherwise.

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