True to tradition, I will share my debt pay down numbers for 2017 in early January. While I’m eager to crunch the numbers, I wanted to start 2018 with a slight shift. Instead of emphasizing numbers right off the bat, I wanted to share my priorities for the new year, in addition to recapping some past posts that align with this focus. Here goes nothing!
Make more time for what matters. Becoming a mom has made me realize that every day is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m determined to find ways to maximize my time with my family, even if it means spending more to do so.
Focus on goals, not money. It’s easy to get lost in graphs and charts. What I really want to do this year is to become more goal-oriented rather than money focused.
Say no…without apology. I am a chronic over-apologizer. Even though I have a pretty solid alternative, my default is still to apologize. Not anymore, folks, not anymore.
Earn More Online
Keep investing. While I definitely get a kick out of all the bells and whistles that come with shopping apps, those earnings are small peanuts compared to what my Vanguard accounts did for us this year. (20.8% rate of return for one year. WHAAAAAAT!) As nervous of an investor as I can be, I’m going to stay the course.
Pay for Christmas with credit card rewards and app earnings. The goal here is twofold. I want to earn and spend my rewards purposefully, and I also want some extra incentive to cut back on Christmas cash.
Build up a freelancing base. This year was the first year that I earned an income writing each month. Some months, I wrote one piece, other months, I wrote four or five. I am hoping to do this consistently throughout the new year, and I would like to even find a few more opportunities to earn an income writing.
Continue to purge purposefully. I still have too much stuff. I lost the MinsGame twice last year, and I hope to do it again. Seriously.
Focus on experiences over things for my family. While I know that we will also need and want a certain amount of “stuff”, I plan to continue focusing on time together building traditions and growing passion, as well as time outdoors and traveling.
Earn money from my closet. First it was $500. Then it was over $1,000. This past year, though, I really took a more relaxed approach to reselling. I still plan on donating the majority of items that I purge, but I do have a few designer bags I would like to sell.
So Tell Me…What is your focus for 2018?
Happy New Year Penny! If I had to pick one word for my goals for 2018, it would be “health.” The twins really wore us down and I still have some weight to lose. Along with that, there are other types of health, like financial and family . . . working on a post to explain it all.
I think you’ve got some great goals for this year. It’s great that you’ve been doing so much freelance writing. Will you continue tutoring as well?
I can’t wait to read the post! I am trying so hard to work some of that back into my own life. It’s hard to believe HP is five months old, and I’m still not back to working out consistently. It’s just been so cold, and he is so bad at playing on his own.
I am going to continue tutoring. I won’t be as busy now that the second semester is starting. Parents don’t tend to panic (and reach out for help!) until a little later in the semester. I’m still hoping to cover the cost of babysitting with side hustling, so I’m going to have to get creative!
Your number one goal is by far the most important as a fellow first time parent. How are you holding up? Because I swear, my body and mind broke at least a couple times in 2017, despite my wife being a FT stay at home parent. I really need to let go and not try and do too much.
Did you have any breaking point moments where you couldn’t take it anymore and had to just give the little one over to your partner?
I’m not sure why I put myself through so much pressure to perform. Will have to write a post about it haha.
I hope things go swell for y’all in 2018!
Thank you, Sam! I would say I have those breaking points more often than not. My kiddo is a delightful baby–all smiles all the time!–until about 4 PM, not too long after I pick him up. He melts down for 1-2 hours, and then by the time my husband gets home, I’m all, “Here. He’s yours!” Aaaaaand of course, he’s totally chill or even napping by then.
Maybe it’s me 😉
Much of the same for me 🙂 As hard as toddlers are, JB is also pretty fun to be around too if I remember to relax a bit and that’s easier to do when we remember that each day is a gift. (Their viruses notwithstanding). And as I’m being summoned now, I’ll stop here and wish you a very happy start to the new year!
Hi, JB! That’s an important reminder, Revanche. They are gifts. I hope you and everyone feels better soon!
Greetings and Salutations, Penny! My goals are similar to yours, tilted slightly in favor of my “Oldster” status. My 14 year old daughter asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her from here on out, for holidays and birthdays, what I want from her is time. A day out. A movie. A daddy/daughter date lunch. I don’t need things, but time is precious and fleeting and I want to have as much as I can. (keep that in mind for your parents as well).
As for goals (I’m more of a systems guy than a goals guy – thank you Scott Adams), my efforts will be in the health direction. I’m within easy sight of 60 and I want to be able to do stuff. So I’m going to work on sloughing off the 25 years I’ve sat behind a desk and put myself in a position to more fully enjoy my time once I’ve put the law behind me (still a few years on that one – because I enjoy it).
Happiest of New Years to you and your family and I look forward to reading of your adventures through 2018.
That is a wonderful request, Oldster. I will remember that for my parents AND for my son! Your idea of operating with systems is wonderful. I hope you’ll share more about it!
I need to prioritize better in 2018, as well. It’s too easy to try to do everything that comes your way. We’re only here for a limited amount of time and we never know when it will end, so we need to make sure we’re spending our time well.
That’s so well said, Matt. I’m excited to read more of your blog this year!
Love, love, love all of these. I need to be better about prioritization, too, and not apologizing for everything by default is an ongoing battle.
Happy New Year, Penny!
Thank you, Erin! Happy New Year! I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings your way.
Saying no without apology is a supremely useful skill. I believe you can do it!
My goal is to finally switch to the lucrative gig, and then work less after building up reserves/defeating the debt piles.
Awesome, ZJ. I hope the switch happens and happens smoothly. Though I know you will be able to weather any of the bumps, I wish you nothing but the smoothest of transitions.
Happy New Year!
I am a BIG fan of the saying “NO” resolution. I have always been really good at saying “no” to people and not feeling bad about it. It may have made me come off as rude, but it has always benefited my families bottom line. All that matters at the end of the day is making sure you and your family are happy and planing for your future!
Good luck to you and all your resolutions!
I need your skills, Sean! Teach me your ways. Looking forward to checking out your blog!
My word for the new year is S T R E T C H. I need to physically stretch more often, cause I’m getting older, need to financially, cause I’m close to reaching some big milestones (one more year of college tuition to save up for my kid, so close I can taste it), need to stretch emotionally by reaching out more to friends and family, and lastly, stretch professionally by trying some new ideas/programs to make life a little more interesting.
Enjoy your blog and trust me, that “witching hour” will not last forever, but I sure was glad when she outgrew it!
I’m so relieved to hear other people call it the “witching hour”. It is amazing and terrifying and totally delightful when it’s over! I love that your word is stretch. I need some flexibility in my life in more ways than one.
Hello enjoyed reading your blog!!! I’m retired and enjoying it but I’m also serious about my saving and spending. The reason i’m writing is you said you had designer bags for sale!! I’m interested in knowing what you have. Please email me.
Hi, Essie! You can shoot me an email at shepicksuppennies (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!
Over apologizer here, too! I’d say I regret being so slow to clean out my closet in 2017, but then…
Your numbers are crazy encouraging, though! I have one bag in with ThreadUp. Will have to fill up some more.
ThredUp annoys me now. Actually, they always have. I feel like their payouts get lower and lower and their prices get higher (not that I’ve ever shopped from them). I’ll be curious to hear your take!