5 Years, 6 Figures – A Blog Anniversary Celebration

Balloons for 5 Years 6 Figures Celebration

“You write about what?” “But of all the things to talk about! Money?!” “You, uh, know money stuff?” Five years ago, I decided to start this blog. I wasn’t writing as an expert or as anyone with anything particularly interesting to say. Instead, I wanted to chronicle my journey of trying to spend more cents … [Read more…]

5 Ways I Saved & Earned – Summer Break Edition

When it comes to getting ahead financially, you can spend less or earn more. You can also do both. Early on in our careers, we spent time scaling back. I got really good at saving–maybe a little too good. Over time, we’ve both climbed across our salary schedules and started other income streams. When we … [Read more…]

How I’m Putting On My Own Parachute

Last week, I wrote about why it is so critical for teachers to take off their capes and put on parachutes. Unfortunately, I wrote from firsthand experience on the plane. More specifically, it’s been the most turbulent ride of my career. The debate about how to start the school year amid the pandemic is raging … [Read more…]

Teacher Talk: It’s Time Swap Your Cape for a Parachute

Teachers, Swap Your Cape for A Parachute

“My teacher is a superhero.” “I teach. What’s your superpower?” “Teachers are just superheroes in disguise.” If you’ve spent any amount of time in the classroom, there’s a good chance you’ve heard one of these sayings. You might have even been gifted one on a coffee mug. Teaching is a noble profession. Maybe the noblest. … [Read more…]

4 Things I Learned When I Tried to Track Down All My Accounts

4 Lessons from Creating an Account Master Spreadsheet

I have a lot of credit cards. That’s actually not a surprise. After all, I opened them. Truthfully, I have far fewer credit cards than I used to. I pretty much opened a credit card at any store that asked back in my 200-plus-pair-of-shoes heyday. I never got into any consumer debt with them, but … [Read more…]

10 Lessons from 10 Years of Teaching at the Same School

10 Lessons from Teaching for 10 Years in the Same School

Last month, I closed the lesson plan book on a decade of teaching at my current school. Calling it a decrescendo would be generous. It wasn’t really a whimper or a whisper. It was actually just a click. I moused over the “Leave Meeting” button, let Zoom know I was sure, and that was that. … [Read more…]