1. I cannot agree more with your final thoughts. I’m tearing up as I type this and think of our amazing friend group who push me to be a better human every day, and are so supportive when I’m feeling down about certain aspects of my life.
    And I felt it so deeply when you said it is hard to make sense of things while they are happening, but to be able to look back and see the progress I have made even through the tough times; it’s incredible! The market is basically 0% or negative this year, and I’m still up ~$50k because saving is automatic, I spend less than I earn, and I keep striving to improve. For the most part, those things were years in the making, and are bearing fruit now.

  2. Definitely the clutter one! I’m still working on mustering the effort to sell the few remaining name brand pieces I have that just don’t fit me anymore. And dealing with the fact that I’ll almost certainly lose money on them. But, if minimalism has taught me anything it’s that the mental space that is created when you deal with the physical clutter is an awesome reward. (Barf I know, I hate my cliche self).

  3. I love the framing of being thankful for a bad boss. People seem so surprised when I say it – but I think I’ve learned more from bad bosses than good.

    I had an awful principal in my first years as a teacher. It wasn’t that he was a tyrant – quite the opposite. His decision flipped based on who was in the room or made the last case. Talk about chaos. It was frustrating because we really needed to get better for our students. Without stable direction, things just kept getting worse. It was miserable for me, though some were happy to just do whatever they wanted.

    He taught me the importance of having strong core beliefs to guide me and to avoid just telling people want they want to hear. Both are really helpful in financial independence.

  4. I have so many money lessons that I learned the hard way!

    After a couple of bad bosses, I have learned to appreciate the good (and even mediocre) ones. After keeping $10,000 in a boring old bank account for years, I have learned how to make my money work for me (at least somewhat better). After spending nearly $200 on a fancy new pillow, I have learned that I should have just replaced the $45 one that I had and loved. And these are just off the top of my head 🙂

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