M is for money, B is for book, and GW is for generational wealth!
There are so many different ways that I want to grow generational wealth. Some of that wealth absolutely involves my husband and I putting in the work to build up assets we plan to pass along. But another big piece of the generational wealth puzzle is financial literacy.
Every parent I know wants their kids to grow up with some financial sense. But there’s no one clear path to get there. While we are still very much navigating concepts like saving and giving and settling on what allowances and investing will look like for our little family, there’s one teaching tool that is non-negotiable: books!
As an English teacher by trade and a money nerd by passion, there was absolutely no way my kids were going to escape reading (and being read to!) about money. But not all kids books are created equal. That’s why I thought it would be fun to share some of the gems we’ve discovered starting with M is for Money by Rob Phelan.
What We Love About M is for Money
There’s a lot to love about M is for Money. In fact, I’d be hard pressed to tell you something we didn’t enjoy about it.
But if I absolutely had to recommend the book for specific reasons, it would come down to the artwork that’s special in several ways and the content that’s sure to benefit our preschooler well into elementary school!
Stash the Squirrel
We love kids’ books that have these mascots. HP first fell in love with the mouse that shows up in Little Critter books. Stash is even better, in my opinion, because you still need to spot him on each page…and he serves a real purpose. He’s a little tour guide that gives you more food for thought about each money concept. After all, that’s the whole goal of reading to kids: to get them thinking about what’s on the page and connecting to their own experiences.
See Yourself in a Book
Windows and mirrors are so important in books. Everyone should be able to see someone new (that’s the window!) and also see themselves reflected in a book (that’s the mirror!). M is for Money does that beautifully. The pages reflect different ethnicities, races, genders, family structures, and more. This diversity is reflective of the real world just like the money situations! Though it certainly wasn’t the main purpose of the book, it’s another detail that I truly appreciated.
Grow-With-Me Content
We have been fortunate to have this book in our family for a while now, even getting sneak peeks from its Kickstarter days. One thing that really stands out is that I’m certain this book will be on our shelf for years. It’s not the kind of book that your kid quickly outgrows.
In fact, when we first started reading it, we’d only do part of the alphabet in each sitting. As HP’s attention span has grown, we’re now able to cover more ground and have more complex conversations about each letter of the alphabet. While he’s only just started to really build some financial literacy, HP will definitely keep learning from this book as his understanding of money grows.
M is for Money Giveaway
I couldn’t keep this gem of a book to myself any longer. That’s why I’d love to send two families a copy of the book. Either drop me a comment below or leave one on Instagram over the course of the next week. Then, I’ll recruit HP to pick a number at random and go from there.
In staying true to my frugal ways, the book is coming your way via media mail, so US addresses only please!
Final Thoughts on M is For Money
I’m thrilled to have M is for Money in our little library. We’ve worked hard to incorporate other books that touch on financial concepts, but M is for Money is different. It’s a nonfiction alphabet-style book that aims to educate kids (and their grown ups!) about key money concepts.
The fact that it captures authentic money situations with beautiful illustrations means that this eye-catching book will serve our little family well for years to come.
So Tell Me…Have you had a chance to check out M is for Money? Does your family have any other favorite finance books?
This sounds like a perfect addition to our kids’ library!
I’m interested in this book for my kids!
Oooh haven’t heard of it!
This is the second time I’ve read about parents and money books, clearly it’s time for me to start thinking about this 😀
Malaysians need a book like this badly! Perhaps I shall start writing it ….