1. Sherrie Nicholson

    1. Even though we had to put on an expensive new roof last year we just found out that the energy star rated roof is a tax deduction.
    2. 2020 taught us lots of frugal grocery/cooking tricks that we are still using to save money in 2021. Taking my lunch & eating leftovers!
    3. Even though I still drive to work 5 days a week we do very little driving otherwise and we’re saving gas money and car wear and tear.
    4. My husband was able to negotiate a cable discount in January. By keeping our heat set at 62 our budget billing went down. Keeping lights off and just adding some motion lights around the house for safety has saved on utility bills.
    5. Store pick ups have helped us keep to a budget better. Looking at the total before check out helps to think about what we can eliminate and bring over all spending down.

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