Facing Financial Unknowns with Excitement

Question Mark on Yellow BackgroundAs someone who is anxious, cautious, and risk averse, it probably surprises you to see the title of this post.

Penny? Excited about unknowns?

Not the Penny we know. The only thing that Penny faces the unknown with is a bottle of Tums. And maybe just a little too much chocolate.

Our Penny makes lists and spreadsheets, furiously trying to connect the dots and move in a straight line. Even though we all know progress is not linear.

And that’s still very much who I am, but I also know that there are some unknowns that are simply, well, unknowable. So rather than try to guess and predict, it’s better to just channel your almost unthinkable excitement and enjoy the ride.

After all, we’ve done this before.

And how expensive could another kid be? Just kidding.

I *know* kids are really expensive. But Baby 2 promises to be just as priceless as our first. #worthit

I mean, look at that little face!

Baby Ultrasound Photo

There are questions to answer, numbers to crunch, and delays to explain. Those posts will come, I promise. But in the meantime? I’m soaking up all the excitement until we get to meet this sweet face in a few short months.

And yes, HP is also really excited.

So Tell Me…HP is officially known as Half Pence on the blog (thanks, Revanche!). Any ideas for this one?


  1. Chelsey

    Congratulations!!!!!! Even though I know HP is for Half Pence, most of the time when I read it, in my mind I think, Harry Potter :).

  2. So excited for you! It’s such a strange time in the world to welcome a little one, but you can do it and do it gracefully for sure. It’s quite a ride. Glad HP is excited:) I love watching my two boys interact. It’s such a blessing.

  3. I’m so excited for your family!

    I’m still thinking of HP as ha’penny ever since the last administration πŸ˜‰ but maybe they should be Half Pence and Ha’penny so they are genetically accurate as half of you. I’m still thinking!

  4. Little Miss Moneybags

    Congratulations! Babies are like kittens, 2 is only 1.5x the cost/effort of one. (HAHAHAHAHA)

    Well, not at first but once they’re old enough to play together, it works out. You could call this one Twice As Nice. πŸ™‚

  5. No reason to stop at two. We had three and they are all great adults now. Congrats! Kids are wonderful. And kids with great parents, like yours have, they are blessed.

    • Haha. I think people mostly assume Harry Potter? I do probably talk about books more than money, at least on social media. The name was originally going to be Half Penny but when he was a boy that seemed confusing. And then Pence turned into such a polarizing word…HP it is! πŸ™‚

  6. Congratulations Penny for the baby. We live in such a VOLATILE AND UNCERTAIN World that I could never be excited when it comes to unknown finances specially having a child. When I had my First child I had to take out a Gold Loan just to survive. When I think about it now it was a wise Decision.

    • Maybe it’s nervous energy and not excitement?!? πŸ˜‰ There’s definitely plenty of worry and fear, too. But I’m trying to focus on how great this could all be!

  7. K

    Congrats!! I’m due in a few months with number 2 so I’ll be watching your upcoming posts with even more interest!

  8. There’s something really exciting about getting to plan and plan and plan and then, throw some caution to the wind because you’ve planned enough! Congratulations and hope the rest of the journey is also a joy. πŸ™‚

  9. JJNL

    +1 for Tuppence / 2 pence – if you want to stick with current British decimal coinage-inspired names, that is :). The one reason I would have to not pick tuppence is because it’s 2 coins UP, as in: of more value (Half-Penny – Penny – Tuppence), instead of the next coin DOWN. Pre-decimalisation there were coins of lower value than the half-penny. If you want to nickname your baby after them he/she’d be a farthing. You’d have to stop at 2 kids though, as there are no coin names of lower value available (you would of course not have this problem if you name up the value chain, because then the one after Tuppence could be called Fivepence or Nickel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coins_of_the_pound_sterling

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