1. When my boys were babies, I always found that the hardest months weren’t necessarily the first few (ok, those were really hard) but months 4-10, or so. Because I was expecting life to get easier/better, and it didn’t. The babies would sleep well, then derail and I’d be up nights, exhausted. I think things really turned a corner after 12 months, with a brief derail at 18 months, and then slowly better and easier. I didn’t minimalize my house until they were 7 and 4 years old, though. 🙂

    All that’s to say, good for you for laying off on goals for a little while. Sometimes we’re just in the thick of babyhood. As Glennon says, “You’re looking for wisdom when you’ve got babies? What you really need is a NAP. Go home and sleep.” You’re doing big, important things. Goals can wait. 🙂

    • kddomingue

      Lol! I second the nap! With my first baby I tried to be Superwoman and do it all! Naps? I was Superwoman. Superwoman don’t need no stinkin’ nap! Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for me. When the second baby came along I followed the sage advice that my Grammie gave me for the first baby that I didn’t heed. “When the baby sleeps, you sleep. Feed the baby and then immediately feed yourself. The world will not come to a screeching halt if you’re house isn’t immaculately clean……a few dust bunnies never hurt anyone.” The second time around was much easier even though I had a toodler AND a baby!

  2. Bah, it’s tough with a new, squishy, cute baby to care for. Don’t be hard on yourself. 🙂

    GIRL. I WANT TO SEE YOU AT FINCON. Sorry for doing that in caps but oh mah gah I am so happy you’re going. :3

  3. So excited to meet you there! And HP! Will this be his first trip?

    I think you’re doing pretty amazing while having a newborn baby. Kudos for having patience with yourself. And if those goals get pushed to the side for a while—YOU’RE ALLOWED.

  4. YEAH!! SO excited to actually meet you, Mr. P and little HP 🙂 I’m sure it was a tough decision to make, but it will be so much fun! And you get a pass on goals right now. They’re nice, but that little one and the rest of your family come first.

  5. No excuses needed for the mom of a newborn. Whatever you feel you can do is fine. As I recall, the first few months were kind of a blur of 4 am feedings, crying, stinky diapers, and way shorter naps than I planned for.

    Have fun at FinCon!

  6. I think it’s smart to be patient with your goals at this point. There will be plenty of time to catch up in the future. And I hope you enjoy FinCon. I wish I were going too.

    September seemed to go too fast for me. I need October to slow down so I can get some things done.

  7. I’d say you already have the “problems” licked. My father used to say “success is getting up one more time than you fall”. It does not matter whether we meet all of our goals every month. What matters is that we stay accountable to ourselves, and are honest about our successes and failures. You do that very well, Penny. IMHO, that makes you a success. It’s just a matter of time until the numbers prove me right.

    Enjoy FinCon!

  8. The important thing is to get back up after we’ve tripped or the baby forgets how to nap!

    Like Laurie, Month 4 was probably the hardest, emotionally. I was expecting to be better, but it was still really hard.

    I was contemplating how much harder it could be with a second (or third, as it feels in our case with Seamus as the first) and my brain just shut down. Nope, can’t even think about that.

    And like you, I’m going to get back on the decluttering horse. I fell off, y’see. 🙂

    If I make it to FinCon, may I steal HP for a few minutes?

  9. Emma

    Just found your post. I know you’re well past this but focusing on where you’re at and accepting that this wasn’t the right time is huge. So a very belated huge congrats from me. I’m off to investigate other posts with the confidence that you’ll find the right way for you.

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