1. Rich is 25?‽?‽ I thought he was an old guy like me. Daaaaang son! That’s an amazing year. Can’t wait to chat more about how the 203k loan works out for him!

  2. Love the diversity of the money wins — from long-term saving to raising income. I like to focus on both sides of the equation as well — saving and earning. Right now, we’re in a holding pattern as we wait for our daughter’s college acceptances — there’s a big swing between public and private college expenses. I calculated that the difference between my private college alma mater v. my husband’s public college alma mater is currently almost $200,000!

  3. I enjoy the money wins series because it’s so focused on specifics. The empowerment aspect of it is great too. These are all examples of people who have taken control, even when spending big money on some things.

    Congrats to all of the winners – and yes, your haircut counts. I hope your students were kind today!

    • They were so stinkin’ nice. I kept teasing them that I was going to hang grammar signs from my hair since I finally captured their full attention!

  4. I feel ya on the haircut. I had a couple of down days (I’m a depressive) from being so isolated (I work at home). But last Saturday I got a cut and color (from a beauty school, of course) and felt significantly better once I got rid of the gray and my hair stopped dragging down from the weight. I only chopped off about 3 inches, but it looks better for sure.

    As for money wins, I’ve been doing a lot of saved savings lately. That is, putting money away that I “save” at the grocery store through any coupons or sales, money that I don’t spend when I use Swagbucks GCs to pay for things, etc. I’m going to have around $180 in saved savings at the end of this month, and it’s all going to the mortgage!

    • I am totally going to bug you to fill out the survey, so I can share more of your wins on my site at some point.

      I also think of your advice often to find a beauty school to try out for highlights. I think once I decide on a color (I love my blonde but it’s sooooo much maintenance!), I will try out a beauty school a few towns over!

    • That is my goal for this summer! I have an “independent” colorist (that I’m maybe 7 months behind seeing?!), but I just ran into a Great Clips for this one. I’d love to find a small business to support!

  5. I love this series! It shows how personal personal finance really is. It reminds me that when some people are celebrating the amount they are putting in their 401k, we should celebrate cutting down our student loan debt because it is just as impressive. And, man, do I wish I was as on top of things as Rich when I was 25!

    • Right? I am still clapping and cheering for Rich. I started trying to think of where we were at 25 (we had just bought a house! gulp!), but then I remembered, it’s not a competition…so I’m not worrying about it. I’ll just cheer for him instead!

  6. Saving enough for a second kid in daycare is huge!!! Our costs doubled and yeah, it would be double the cost for us to do that. That’s awesome they were able to do that. I’m with you on fainting, reading that story.

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