A Simple New Year

There’s absolutely no judgement here if you brought in the new year with a bang. Unless you’re my neighbors who scared my five-year-old awake four different times starting at approximately 9:27 pm. I love watching other people ring in the new year with glitz and glam, champagne and change. But that never feels quite right … [Read more…]

I Used My Emergency Fund, and I Liked It

I used my emergency fund, and I liked it.  More precisely, we found an issue with our two-story foyer window. When we replaced our front door (for the second time!), we had the bottom of the foyer window resealed with an epoxy thanks to an excellent observation from a new contractor. While that surely saved … [Read more…]

6 Things Blogging Afforded Me in 6 Years

Somehow, I’ve been a blogger for six years. In so many ways, it feels like I blinked and got here. But in other ways, if I look back, it seems like an actual lifetime is laid out on these virtual posts and pages. To celebrate, I thought I’d pull back the curtain a bit to … [Read more…]

5 Years, 6 Figures – A Blog Anniversary Celebration

Balloons for 5 Years 6 Figures Celebration

“You write about what?” “But of all the things to talk about! Money?!” “You, uh, know money stuff?” Five years ago, I decided to start this blog. I wasn’t writing as an expert or as anyone with anything particularly interesting to say. Instead, I wanted to chronicle my journey of trying to spend more cents … [Read more…]

6 Ways We Are Trying to Help With Our Dollars (+ a Giveaway!)

6 Ways to Help COVID 19 Community

When things first started to go sideways, I realized I needed small tasks that could give me a sense of accomplishment and a renewed sense of security. Then, I wanted to extend my consideration to the community. There are plenty of ways to support our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic that don’t cost a dime. … [Read more…]

19 in 2019: Money Milestones and More

19 Milestones from 2019

I’m going to stop singing (OK, fine, I am just making up words like everyone else) Auld Lang Syne long enough to round up 19 highlights from 2019.  Creating this list did exactly what I hoped it would. It reminded me that there were so many more highlights than I had space for on my … [Read more…]