1. This warmed my heart! Go, Liz!!! I am squirting my kids’ hands as they come in and wiping things down in my classroom like crazy, but I am not a caretaker for a high-risk individual, which is the real issue here, I think, for you. We did cancel our Spring break trip to Spain which is a bummer but there’s always this summer!! Hope you keep having germ-free days.

  2. Yay compassion! I watched part of the interaction between you and Liz play out in real time on Twitter and it warmed my heart. I’m glad you were able to track down some more wipes for your classroom. And I have been thinking about you and your at-risk loved one so much this past week. Feel free to vent your feelings to Twitter any time. We’re all here for you!

  3. Hm, I wonder if DC2’s teachers could use more clorox wipes. The ISD did send an email saying they had deployed large things of hand sanitizer and the custodians would be using harsher chemicals, but the kids do take turns on the computers… Actually, maybe the after school program could use more wipes too. We’ll have to see if they’re in stock at the grocery store this weekend.

    There’s a very large chance I’ll be having to do the rest of the semester from home via zoom… so I have to figure that out.

  4. I have been trying to buy some online from Target for ages, you foremost in my mind as I saw how they were constantly sold out, so I’m so glad that your local store had some. Are Lysol wipes not as effective as Clorox?

  5. That’s why I love going on Twitter and reading other people’s real life situation to express their feelings. It shows that we need to air them out and fortunately, for the most part, we’ll there to support and provide advice. I view PF twitter like a lounge where ppl hang out, express what their going through and have others to provide support.

  6. Mrs Thompson

    It was exactly this blog post that caused me to rethink an extremely generous offer of assistance from one of your fellow F.I.R.E. friends. My gut instinct was to refuse said offer (see below) but when I took the time to think about it, your words came into my mind….

    ME : Unfortunately we’re not in a position financially to stock up, but I’m optimistic that everything will work out!?

    MARCH 13, 2020 AT 3:48 PM
    You have been such a long time supporter of this blog – seriously love your comments. Can you please email me? I have an Amazon gift card that has your name on it if you will accept it.

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